Monday, August 16, 2010

BOyfriend Drama! or as he calls it baby mama drama!?

Me and my boyfriend are having a baby. Yay. Well at least i am super excited. Anywho we fight a lot. I want to spend time with him and bond with our Unborn bby and it seems like he just wants to do his thing. He want to go out and play ball chill with the dudes and play video games. But i get mad because it seems like he dont even want to make time with me. He lives with me but it came to a poit lastnight where i comfronted him and i said look when are we going to have time to spend with eachother all u do is do your thing we are having a child and you are spending your money stupidly. lately it just seems like we do is argue and he isnt a type of person that will express himself and how he feels he said he got that from his father. He is going home tonight 2 live with his parents again. I just think we need time alone so he relizes what he is doing wrong. But its so hard 4 me not to text him or call him because i care so much but do u think we need the time apart what should i do????BOyfriend Drama! or as he calls it baby mama drama!?
In my experience/opinion when a guy says he can't express himself, that means he has nothing positive to say and can't be bothered to fake it! I think you need to face it, he doesn't want to have a kid, doesn't want to be a family man. My kids' dad was the same. We had twins when I was 19, him 22, we got married about a year later, and I finally left him when the kids were 4. We were always fighting about him going out with his friends, going clubbing, getting drunk, spending his $ on himself, while my $ went towards diapers. It just wasn't the life he wanted, and I couldn't force it on him. He was comfortable, and I don't think he ever would've left me, but I needed more from a husband! My kids are almost 7 now, and I think their dad is finally starting to realize what being a dad means... sort of! It's a maturity thing, no telling when your baby's dad will get it, if ever! So just move on and concentrate on being the best mom you can be. Make sure you get child support sorted out, and don't try and keep him from seeing his child, I hear about so many moms doing that, and it's just so selfish! Try and keep a relationship open with his parents, and allow them to spend time with their grandchild.BOyfriend Drama! or as he calls it baby mama drama!?
oh boy.

hun, things are bad for you, really bad, and you need to recognize it.

You might be excited about the baby, but he is NOT ready to be a father - he doesn't want to be a dad - and he is running away from the responsibility. First by being with his friends instead of you, and now, moving out. He doesn't have to say a thing, he is showing you with his actions - which as they say, speak louder.

He isn't going to come to some sort of realization he is wrong while he is at his parents, he doesn't want the same things you do - and he has just left you %26amp; the baby. Possibly for good.

People in relationships who are having problems that want to make things right don't take ';breaks'; they stick it out and work it out - they don't run away.

One thing you have to understand, the baby is growing inside of you, you feel it - you are bonding - but a father, he can't bond with an unborn baby - he doesn't feel the things you feel. It's impossible. He should be spending time with you as a girlfriend, but he isn't going to feel anything really towards the child until it is born, especially one he doesn't really want.

You may have to face the hard truth that there is a chance you are going to end up being a single mom, with a baby's daddy who is not there for you -
Man, this is really hard to say. Your boyfriend is just that. A boy. You have a baby to think about now. I'm sorry to say that you will be the only parent is his or her life. You need to think about the future for you and your baby. Plan on going to court to make the father pay child support. Do NOT plan on this boy to be a part of you and your baby's lives. I hope you have an education and some job skills because you will be the primary support for this child. I know you care for the father, but he has made his choice and it ain't you. Move on, sweetie. I wish you the best of luck. God bless
I really wish you well. You sound young and your boyfriend sounds typical of a young man who hasn't matured very much emotionally. A lot of young men can behave very selfishly. You and he have a lot of issues to resolve. I just urge you to take care of yourself and prepare to be a wonderful mother. Hold your head high and show some self respect. Don't text right away....for several days....and when you do connect again, show him that you have dignity and purpose. I hope you have a beautiful baby. Being a mother is The most noble calling.
You don't say how old you both are but it seems that your boyfriend is immature and not ready to have a baby. Maybe he will grow up a little when the baby comes but I would'nt count on it. You need to mentally prepare yourself to be a single Mom, you can go to court to get his financial support but you may never get his emotional support.

Good Luck!
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