I want to talk to him about it because he isn't aware of the little white lies I know of. I know of 3 white lies in the 4 months that are bottling up inside me. The one yesteday really got to me especially after he said he was sorry and understands why I was upset. He thought he was talking to this girl but it was her boyfriend that was using her account. He (pretending to be her) asked my guy about pink tacos etc (I dont know in detail just that they were talking about that cuz the guys messaged me and told me my guys is getting all excited) When I asked him if he was talking to her he said yeah she needs help with the game then I told him what the guys wrote and then Im guessing he emailed the guy and otld him thnamks for getting him in trouble. So I don't know if he knw it was the guy the whole time and they were just being guys messing around or what? I have this, I want to trust him, he'a been a greast guy so far and other then the white lies he's pretty much everythig I want. I don't know what to do or how to confront =him without him blowing up or just thinkning thatIm just having one of my insecure moments and I need to figure it out. He says it hurts his feelings that I don't trust him cuz he trust me 100%Boyfriend white lies sometimes how do I confront him, he's a sagittarius and blows up easily?
if he has such premature blows then try not to rub him too much, he will last longer and he will feel happier thereafterBoyfriend white lies sometimes how do I confront him, he's a sagittarius and blows up easily?
haha I won! up yours, haters!
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Either you change his habit of lying or dump him for good. A liar cannot be a trustworthy friend in the long run.
you cant last with him. hes a flirt...he wont change.
he will only give you more emotional heartache and your insecurity will skyrocket.
dump him
dont be like other girls who make stupid excuses to make their men sound responsible. He's not.
A guy who cares about you deeply would not be doing all those things
i dnt think u should continue in this relationship. it is not constructive. he is a sagitarius! im also a pisces and they aren't exactly my besties. he will hurt you throughout your life if you agree to marry him. he is not a person you an trust. he flirts too much. b careful
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